Sunday, August 24, 2014

Reflection - week 9

As usual, we have class on Monday for three hours lecture. It is already week nine and it means final is just around the corner. To be honest, I am quite nervous and I am not ready yet to sit for the final because I have not made any preparations. For this time, I have a lot of assignments to do and I need to finish it all first. For Miss Amreet’s assignments, I still have not completed for my Homepage because I still need to edit and check whether there is any mistakes or errors. For the digital storytelling, we are still in progress to finish it. We need to do it as soon as possible because we need to submit it on week twelve.
On this week, what we have done is just we got a lecture from Miss Amreet about the important styles for informative websites.
We have several manuals of style for academic, technical and scientific writing. The first is MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (Modern Language Association), APA (American Psychological Association), The Chicago Manual of Style (University of Chicago Press) and last but not least is Scientific Style and Format: The CBE Manual Format for Authors, Editors, and Publishers (The Style Manual Committee of the Council of Biology Editors). But mostly, universities in Malaysia including my university itself are using APA style to do the citation.
In formal studious mood, it included academic, journal format and abstract section in front matter should be including in paragraph. For an example, explaining the journal contain. Next is GEMA online, which is a journal of language studies.
I learnt something new which is there are two types of research that we have to know; quantitative and qualitative, and results are being used in quantitative.  
Not only that, she also has explained about the differences between references and bibliographies. For us, it is just the same thing and often we used it synonymously but actually there is a difference in meaning between them and it is totally a different thing. References mean the items you have read and specifically what you had referred to in your assignment and your list of sources at the end the assignment will be headed. Bibliographies means a list of source materials that are used or consulted in the preparation of a work or that are referred to the text. After that, Miss Amreet had given several examples of English words borrowed from foreign language.

In a nut shell, like the other week before I am happy to have a Writing for Multimedia and The Web with my beloved lecturer, Miss Amreet and all my fellow classmates. 

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