Thursday, September 18, 2014

Persuasive essay – We should exercise and exercising is important to us.

        Why we should exercise and why exercising is important to us? It is because exercising is one of the most important things that we should and supposedly we do in our life. In Malaysia for example, heart disease is number one killer which can easily be prevented by doing exercise.  More than 1.6 billion people in the world are either overweight or obese and Malaysia is one of the countries that stated the highest rate of obesity. For your information, exercise not only reduces your risk for health problems and several diseases, but it also has an effect on overall appearance. Exercising can improve self-esteem and confidence and it has been proved. The truth is when we are doing exercising, it can be even fun and it has numerous benefits that we can that. It is important for us to exercise so that we ca live in a healthy condition, live longer and live more happy.

Let me tell you the reason why people should exercise. For number one reason is because it will help you to keep fit and healthy. As we can see, Malaysians are eating numerous amounts of fast foods these days, so heart disease is becoming more and more common. One out of every four Malaysians is suffering from some form of heart disease and it has become silent killer in this country. Obesity is the main cause of this condition. The more body fat that we have, the greater our risk for heart disease. However, we can easily prevent this disease by doing exercises. Exercising makes the heart muscles stronger.

Next is the second benefit to exercise. It can improve self-esteem and your confident level. Most people think of exercising as only being a physical activity but it is also a mental activity. There experts has been studies and show the evidence that people who exercise have higher self esteem and their confident level is higher that people who does not do exercising. It also showed that active people are less likely to have depression and anxiety. Not only that, exercise can give people more energy which will help people to have positive outlooks on life and it helps to relieve tension and stress. When we do exercise, our body releases endorphins, which are chemicals that create a happy feeling in brain. Plus, when we are exercising we will bring more oxygen into our lungs and our brain.

Next, it will help you to improve your brain function and your memory. From my own opinion, the best reason why we need to exercise is because it is really fun actually. I know that most people think that exercising takes up a lot of time and it requires too much work. Actually, when people take the time to try exercising, they will realize that it is an enjoyable experience. It does not matter how you do the exercise but it depends on as long as you are being active. Everyone enjoys different sports or activities, so it is important to figure out which is the best for us to do it. It is important because when we are having fun, we do not even realize that our exercising and we will look forward to it every day. Setting goals and rewards will help us stay motivated and consistent with exercising. We must know that, there is no greater feeling better than achieving a weight lose goal and being able to feel good and confident about our own body.

In conclusion, exercising is the key to making your life healthier, longer, and happier. It is one of the most important things in life and it's one hundred percent beneficial. Many people come up with plenty of excuses to not exercise; however, if you truly want to improve your mental and physical health you will find the energy and time to exercise. Everyone should take time out of their days to exercise, so they can improve their lives in many ways. So next time you are deciding whether or not to exercise just think of the benefits you will experience from it. It is extremely rewarding and worthwhile.