Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Reflection - week 14 (last week)

I am quite upset because this is the last reflection for my blog because this is already week 14. The last week and last lecture for this course, Writing for Multimedia and The Web. Supposedly we have class on next Monday, 15 September but Miss Amreet said that she wanted to take a leave on that day so we need to make replacement class. We decided to do our replacement class on Wednesday, 9 September.  On that day, we only have presentation on our Digital Story Telling project. There were three groups left so they need to do the presentation on that day because it was our last lecture for this course. Muhammad Syarafuddin’s group was the first who presented their video followed by Puteri Liyana and Zul Hanif’s group.
At the same time, Miss Amreet called our name one by one because she wanted us to sign for our assignment requirements. Before she dismissed the class, she gave the last words and I am touched. Even though she is quite strict to us, but I know it is all for our own goodness. She wanted us to be the best. I got the opportunity to take picture with Miss Amreet. 

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