Wednesday, July 16, 2014

It is me, Sue Chin and Jayson. 

Reflection - week 6

I did not attend the class this week because I was at my hometown. We have class a day before Nuzul Al-Quran holiday and that is why there were quite numbers of students who absence. The presentations went on because Ms. Amreet does not want wasted the time. She just proceed the presentation like usual. When I am back here, I asked Sue Chin what has going on in the class during my absence. She told me there are several students who presented their Prezi. They are Amira, Geetha Baskaran, Fatin Syamimi, Wardah, Insyirah and Aidawate. She briefly explained to me about the topic that they were presented.
            As informed, Amira was the first presenter and she gave the information about yawning. It is a fun topic to be shared and we also can know why we yawn. What I know is everybody does yawn. Suddenly, I feel like I want to yawn.
            Next is Geetha Baskaran. She was presented on colour psychology. Sue Chin told me that she gave a paper contained a few questions to analyse which colour are we. She gave it to everyone in the class and each colour has different personality. So this activity can help us to define our personality. I think it is interesting and if I could, I want to be in the class and do the test to find my personality through the colours.
            Then is Fatin Syamimi and what Su Chin has informed me, she has presented the topic on facts about French. Sue Chin said to me that she likes the image of Eiffel Tower that Fatin Syamimi had made it her background image. Wardah presented about clinical vampirism. Before that, what I know about this topic is it is kind of obsession with drinking blood and yes, it is true. It is an interesting topic but to some people it might be disgusting to them because it is involved blood. Some people afraid of blood and they even cannot see a blood. But for me, I am okay with it.

            Not only that, Sue Chin told me about Insyirah’s presentation. She presented on the topic myth around the world and Sue Chin found so impressed when she heard there is a people who cut his ears down. To be truth, I am impressed with that fact too. For the last presenter of that day, who presented on vegetables and the person is Aidawate. She talked about how vegetables can make and help us pretty. I love this topic because I am a vegetables lover. I love to eat vegetables and I know it has alot of advantages.  

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Reflection - week 5

Time come so fast. It is already week 5 of lecturer. Many presentations from students have been done this week. Unfortunately, Ms. Amreet was not feeling well and she came late to the class because she had gone to see a doctor. Right after she came in to the class, presentation started. The first presenter of the day, Shafika has presented a topic on the clearest water on earth and she gave ten interesting and beautiful places which have the clearest water on earth. At the same time, we got to enjoy those beautiful scene and pictures that she shared. She asked us where the most wanted place do you want to go and for me, I chose Maldives. The reason why I chose Maldives is because it is one of the sequestrated holiday destinations, worldwide. Plus, The Meldives as we know it is a thread of little islands, where luxury meets nature. We will be safe from any pollution and it is all about fresh air, crystals clear waters, beautiful scenery and the beautiful underwater life we can explore. Everything is designed for pure loosening and it is like a world paradise.
Then, proceed with the second presenter, Syarafuddin. He has presented on the topic, Zodiac Killer. He created a creepy situation by making scary background music. He has presented an interesting topic but I am wonder why the killer like to kill other people? And why the cases cannot be solved until now. Then, the topic Jack the Ripper was presented by Halim. The story is about a killer who killed only the prostitute. I do not know why and this question makes me wonder again. Syarafuddin and Halim have shown the tragic pictures that how people were killed.
Later, Zul gave us information about the mystery of Oak Island and he talked about treasure which many people had talked about it and try to find it for the rest of their life. But until now, no one managed to find what is actually have in there. Sharveena then presented about Greek Gods and Goddesses which for me, it was interesting topic to be shared as she included a short animated video during her presentation. Last but not least, the last presenter for that day is Lachvini. She presented a topic on plastic surgery. During she presented, I gave my fully concentrated on it because the topic is very interesting for me. She told about the advantages and also the disadvantages of doing plastic surgery. Eventhough the advantages is to make people prettier and have a good figure to make them more confident to be in public, but for me, I will never do plastic surgery because there are risk. I am very grateful with what I have right now.  

Reflection - week 4

This week, the Prezi presentation will be started. Ms. Amreet said the volunteers will be present first. There are several volunteers on that day which Jayson as the first person do the presentation followed by Sue Chin Lim, MimiWahida, Musliha Sulhajjar, Puteri Liyana, Calvin and also Hasnol. During the presentation, there a photography who will take the pictures during the presentations.
            Jayson a/l Sehsu started the presentation on that day very well. He explained the topic on Narcolepsy. Narcolepsy is sleep disorder that causes excessive sleepiness and frequent daytime sleep attacks. It affects the control of sleep and wakefulness. People with Narcolepsy experience excessive daytime sleepiness and intermittent, uncontrollable episodes of falling asleep during the daytime. These sudden sleep attacks may occur during any type of activity at any time of the day. To be truth, I know nothing about this kind of illness but after Jayson gives the details explanation about this, I knew it. He gave the clear point and all of the students can understand what he wanted to say. 
            Next person is Sue Chin Lim. She present and gave the informative topic on Natural Herbs. Natural herbs are very effective in boosting the immune system, increasing the body resistance to infections, healing the allergies, and raising and renewing the body vitality. She gives a lot of information regarding on natural herbs topic. There are many new things that I learn from her. All the points are clear and she explained it well.
            The next topic is there are ten ways on how to recognize a liar and the presenter is MimiWahida. This topic will help us to know whether someone is lying on us or not. Mostly people lie for many reasons, but depending on how skilled they are, it can be difficult to determine when someone is lying to us right. Actually we can know they are lying by some signs that they make. The signs are the person who is lying to you won’t make eye contact to you or make too much eye contact, avoid using contractions, make weird body language, and provide more additional information. Actually there are several more.

            Next person is Musliha Sulhajjar. She presented on the topic ‘Does UFO really exist?’. She explained the the meaning of UFO. UFO stands for Undefined Flying Object. Many perceptions had been received from all over the place. Puteri Liyana talked about ‘taboo’. Taboo means a social or religious custom prohibiting or forbidding discussion of a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place or thing. She also gave the explanations about ‘taboo’ and also the examples of it. Proceed with Calvin and he talked about FIFA at Brazil and last but not least, Hasnol gave the information on the topic Syiah vs Sunni. 

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Reflection - week 3

Reflection week 3.
This is week three. I am busier that the last week because I need to complete my Prezi by this week and be prepared for the presentation as well. I need to make it all prepared. I need to check for spelling, punctuation, grammar, capitalization errors. Then I need to make myself practice my presentation alone to make sure that it works and looks the way I want it to. If I have trouble with pronouncing certain words, I need to replace them with words that mean the same meaning but easier to say and pronounced it.
Plus, this week, Ms. Amreet said that she will proceed with the blog. We have to do and create our own blog which is considered as personal blog. Creating our own blog is one of our assignments and it carried out 30% from our marks. It is a lot of marks and I think I need to do it perfectly.
First thing first, she gave us the basic information to become a blogger and why we need to have our own blog. As compared to a website, a blog is way easier to start. We do not have to consider complex designs and many other different stuff as we do for a website. She taught us how to create our own blog. We can either choose a free blogging platform like or to set up and create our blog. It is up to us.
 I never have my own blog before but after this lesson, I feel that publishing content or post on our blog is very easy.  If we know how to type in a Word document, we can easily write blog post. It is really that easy. It would be great if we add some relevant pictures and links to other sources. Now, I have my personal blog and I can anything that I want in my blog. I can share my beautiful moments with other people.
It is true that it is my blog, but it is an academic blog. The reason why I create a blog is because I need to do it as it is part of my assignment. So, in this blog, I have to add several things. The things are, I need to do an essay about myself, my family and friends. Not only that, I need to do reflections for every week within this fourteen weeks without failed. In that reflections, I have to write and put anything that related to this course. Starting from this day, I need to start update my blog. Later, Ms. Amreet will check my job to evaluate it.

Reflection - week 2

As promise, on this week, Ms. Amreet will do a Prezi workshop. Even though we have learnt about Prezi on the last semester, we still need the workshop from her because every person has their own skills and creativity. So we need to learn new things from her too. Before she proceeds with the workshop, she asked me to show to her our topic and explain briefly what we will put in our Prezi later.
I have met her before the class started with Sue Chin and Jayson at her room personally. So I have shown her my topic and told her briefly what the things that I will put in my Prezi later. Luckily, my topic accepted and I do not have to find another topic for my presentation. As addition she asks me to find some images and videos to be added in my presentation and she told me to make it interesting.
While the others are busy showing their topic to Ms. Amreet, Sue Chin, Jayson and I were busy finding for more information about our topic and find some images and interesting videos for our presentation. I need to make it fast because this is week two and we need to present it on week 4. So far, I have found all my information and all the images and videos that I need. I can start make my own Prezi later on.
After all the students had shown their topic, Ms. Amreet started the workshop. First she asked us whether we have our own account for Prezi or not. Of course we have it because we have learnt it before. Then she said this will make everything easier. She does not have to show one step by one step to us to start using the Prezi. She gives a briefly talk on how to use Prezi. Before we end our class for that day, Ms. Amreet told us that we can start our Prezi if we already have enough information about our topics.
I chose blank Prezi because I want to make my own theme regarding on my topic, Halloween’s Eve. I decorated and designed my Prezi by my own. I applied whatever that I have learned before to this Prezi. I do my best to make it interesting. I chose the best point to be put in my slide. I connected all my text point and images with transitions so that my slides can be read and understandable. Not only that, to make it more interesting, I added some clip arts and bullet points so my point will be  more clear.
The reason why I chose Halloween as my topic is because I found it interesting. Why? It is because in Malaysia, Halloween is not celebrated grandly by all the people. Usually, Halloween is celebrated in many others Christian countries around the globe. Halloween takes place on 31st of October and it is one of the popular celebrations in the world.  

Reflection - week 1

We have started our forth semester on 9th June 2014. For this semester we are taking six subjects and one of it is Writing for Multimedia & the Web. We have been lectured by Ms. Amreet Kaur a/p Jageer Singh. She is newly here in Sultan Idris Education University and of course, she is still young. Past, she was a lecturer at University Sains Malaysia (USM) and then she moved here. To be frank, she was a student of UPSI before and no doubt, she was an excellent student.
For the first class, Ms. Amreet introduced herself first and then she asked all of us introduced ourselves among the classmates. Then she proceeds with the next questions. She asked us, “What do you expect from this course?”
I said, “I hope that I can learn and understand more about this subject. Plus, hopefully I can improve my writing skills especially for this course, Writing for Multimedia & the Web”.
Later she told us about the instructional planner for this course. For the first, we need to do a Prezi presentation. This is an individual task and it carried 15% from our coursework. We need to start present this Prezi presentation on week 4. The topic for this presentation should be informative. Anything can be our topic as long as it is an interesting topic to be share and beneficial to others.
So the first thing that I have to do is finding the best and interesting topic as soon as possible because I need to get the approval from Ms. Amreet first. It is because if she thinks the topic that I chose not suitable or not interesting, she will asked us to find another topic to be chose.

A friend is someone who understands your past, believe in your future and accepts you just the way you are.

Friday, July 4, 2014

My Friends - part of me

It is said a friend indeed is a friend indeed. An ideal friend possesses all the qualities of head and heart. It is easy to make and befriend but it is difficult to choose good friends. God give us relatives by virtue of being born in a family, but friends we can choose by ourselves.
Friendship is very important for everyone, including me. But, true friendship is a divine quality. Friend is someone who we can talk and share everything with, someone who can accept all our flaws, someone who will always support us and always giving us an advice but to get a true friend is rare achievement nowadays. During my studying here in UPSI, I have lots of friends. Among those, there are few friends who are close with me and they are my best friends.
Now I would like to describe one of my best friends here whose name is Imaan Syaqireen. She is roommate. The first reason I considered her as my best friend is that she has a very warm personality. She is very friendly and she is very humble person. Since I know her, she always shown me her good characters and she never be annoying to me.  During the night before we go to sleep, we always story about ourselves to each other, so that we can know each other better. She has the same interest with me, which we both love to vintage style. So we can decorate our rooms with the vintage style. Usually, before final exam, we always do notes and study together. Imaan is an excellent student because since first semester, she got dean list. I am very happy and proud of her.
The second person is Sue Chin Lim. She is a cute, pretty and clever Chinese girl. When look at her we can see a blond hair with round face, fair skin, dark brown eyes and quite chubby girl. All these describe her well. We get closed because we are in the same class and usually we will go to the class together. In class, I will sit next to her and together with us is Jayson. We always be together and going anywhere together. They are nice person to be around with. We used to talk about many things as we walked, thoroughly enjoying our time together. Plus, Sue Chin will sleep at my room for every night so we can study and discuss about something easily. I always asked for her help for something that I am not sure, and she will always be there for me and help me without hoping for any return. Before final exam, we will study together and helping each other. Straightforward and outspoken, she is a nice, clever and helping person. It is nice to be friend with her and I do learn a lot from her.
Next person is Jayson a/l Sehsu. He is a Christian Indian, a son of a policeman. He got a head of typical Afro hair, which is definitely has become his trade mark, with tall and dark figure. One characters of Jayson is he loves to laugh loudly. He does not care what will people think, he just laugh as he want. He always makes me and Sue Chin laugh and sometimes we laugh not because of something funny but we laugh because the way he laugh. He makes two of us crazy. He loves to eat ice cream and he will buy it for everyday. Ice cream and he will never be a part. But I am proud of her because on his intelligent in study. All of student in our class look forward to him for guidance. He is also in the good books of the lecturers.
In conclusion, I have personally grown a great deal through the experiences with every friendship I have had. And the unique part is when we all started from a stranger and then it changed to buddies. Then, it unique because the friendship that I have made could never be exactly the same reason like anyone else. Many varied reason that I experienced with friends have changed and shaped a large part of my views and perceptions. A friendship is something very personal and powerful and plays an important and unique role in my life. They are part of me-Imaan Syaqireen, Sue Chin Lim and Jayson.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

"Being family means you are a part of something very wonderful. It means you

will love and be loved for the rest of your life."

My Family - my everything

To me my family means everything in the world. My lovely family consist of five members; my parents, my two younger sisters and me. I am the oldest one. I live in a small family in Batu Pahat, Johor.  My father was an army before but now he had retired for almost three years. He was a sergeant before. My father has the fierce faces. Since his retirement he involved with the sea activities. He likes to go fishing and for your information, my father has his own boat. He will use it when he wanted to go fishing in the middle of the sea. Went fishing is his hobby since before he retired.
Next person is, my beloved mom. She is an Islamic and Art teacher at primary school of Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Maimon. My mom actually is an ordinary person but her tiny appearance lays an extraordinary fortitude, perseverance, a altruistic soul and very kindly heart. The kind of mother who brought me up with her whole kindly heart, the kind of persistent woman with the very strong willpower who had to face the toughest challenges in life and she is the kind of person who always demonstrated great zeal for every unlucky lives without requiring anything in return and great willingness to help everyone’s misery though she not have much, my mom taught me more than anyone else, not only inspired me the strength to overcome hardships in my life that I have to face, but she also left me with invaluable life lessons. Plus, she is the best listener and my mom is the only person who understands me. She is the person who is willing to love me endlessly. She is an inspiration to everything that I do and I cannot imagine my life without her.
I have two younger sisters and they were my best friends. We talk about everything, we laugh together, and we shared almost for everything. My first sister, which she is the second daughter in my family, is Syaza. She is a girl of fifth teen and she is very cheerful person. She loves to read a lot and laugh loudly. My sister has always been good in her academics and also in her sports. She knows about all my secrets because I can always go to her for anything that is on my mind or that I am struggling with. She always has been there for me if I need her. Lecturer to be and it is her and I will always pray that one day she will make her dreams came true. I love her so much.
Then is my youngest sister, Mahira. She is very cute and very active. She likes to talk a lot and she is addicted to pink. She wanted all her things pink in colour. She is quite spoiled, especially with my mom. She is the youngest, so almost everything that she wants, she will get it. Not to forget, she likes to watch cartoon on the television. Chess is her favourite indoor game and she is very clever girl. She is doing well in her academics. I love her and hope she can achieve everything that she wanted in her life.
I love both of them so much and we have always been close through everything. Although my sisters and I used to always fight, no whatever what it was about we are always fighting. I have always said that no matter what happens when we get older and grow up, we are always going to be there for one and other and that is where we are today.

I love my family members so much. I am grateful to have parents who understand their children and never scolded us unreasonably. No matter what we have done, they always have cordial words and a piece of advice for us. We love and respect each other very much and expect to live together under the same roof forever. I hope one day I will become a parent similar with my own-wise and understanding.  

I may not be someone’s first choice, but I am a great choice.

I may not be rich but I am valuable.
I don’t pretend to be someone that I am not, because I am good at being me.
I might not be proud of some of the things I’ve done in the past, but I’m proud of who I am today.
I may not be perfect but I don’t need to be because nobody is perfect.
Take me as I am, or watch me as I walk away.

Little bit about me: Myself

Hello everyone.
From the very start I should say that it is not easy thing to describe and talk about myself as it is hard to have a look at our self from aside, but at the same time who knows me better than myself do, right? Okay, let me introduce myself.
My full name is Nur Wafa Binti Mohamad Robani and mostly people will call me Wafa or Afa. . I was born on 20th July in 1995 which means I am 19 years old now. Yes, I am a girl of nineteen. I was born at Hospital Batu Pahat in the town of Batu Pahat, Johor where I live now together with my parents, siblings, grandmother. I was born into a family of a teacher and a soldier. My early years, I still remember that I was sent to a kindergarten at the age of six as both of my parents were busy working. So in that time, I was staying with my grandmother. My grandmother take care of me and my sister during my parents were busy working at the other places. The only my youngest sister followed my parents. Later on, I got my primary education at Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Maimon and it is nearer to my house. I managed to finished it until standard six and  I continue my education on my secondary school at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Dato’ Sulaiman.
During my SPM, thank to God because I am do it well and I am able to further my study to the higher level of education. I am very happy and grateful because I am accepted to get into the university that I want, that is Sultan Idris Education University, which is located in Tanjong Malim, Perak, where I am studying now. I am taking Diploma in English and now I am in the fourth semester and there are two semesters more before I finished my diploma in here. Hopefully, I can continue my Bachelor of English, here in Sultan Idris Education University too. I do not know why but since I was in secondary school, I am eager to be one of the students for this university. In other words, I love studying in here and I love everything about this university.
When I see myself in the mirror, I can see a covered girl with a round face, dark brown eyes and quiet chubby and short. That is me. As to my appearance I’m rather short and chubby person. I have never thought that I’m pretty but I wish I were more beautiful. If people say that black is not a beautiful colour, I am the person who would not accept it. It is because I do love black so much because I am addicted to black. I am the people who do not like bright colours such as yellow, light blue and orange.
I am friendly, sociable person. Everyone knows that I can attest to do that because I like to make friends. Plus, I am hardly ever in a bad mood that would take me to the point of being rude, do inappropriate things or inconsiderate to someone else. I am able to get along with everyone that I met. I am never disrespectful to my elders or people of authority. I will try my best to smile to everyone that I met. I believed that first impression is very important and one bad impression can mess up a reputation that may have taken lifetime to gain. My Principe is very easy, just being nice to others and we can get it back as a return.
Ultimately, I have condemned myself to be a success. Words of faith, keep faith are the only thing that keeps me steadily walking along my path to success. That is why I engraved it upon my soul to be a success. To me, success is my only option and failure is not. With this quote, and my strong spirit plus my supports from my family, I cannot and will not be stopped or even postponed from achieving the best. My spirit is my strongest quality and it cannot be destroyed by anyone.

So that all a little bit about me. In conclusion, I am girl of nineteen who taking Diploma in English at Sultan Idris Education University and wanted to be an English teacher. I am quite short and chubby person, plus I am very friendly person. I am a girl who loves her family and her friends so much.