Saturday, July 5, 2014

Reflection - week 2

As promise, on this week, Ms. Amreet will do a Prezi workshop. Even though we have learnt about Prezi on the last semester, we still need the workshop from her because every person has their own skills and creativity. So we need to learn new things from her too. Before she proceeds with the workshop, she asked me to show to her our topic and explain briefly what we will put in our Prezi later.
I have met her before the class started with Sue Chin and Jayson at her room personally. So I have shown her my topic and told her briefly what the things that I will put in my Prezi later. Luckily, my topic accepted and I do not have to find another topic for my presentation. As addition she asks me to find some images and videos to be added in my presentation and she told me to make it interesting.
While the others are busy showing their topic to Ms. Amreet, Sue Chin, Jayson and I were busy finding for more information about our topic and find some images and interesting videos for our presentation. I need to make it fast because this is week two and we need to present it on week 4. So far, I have found all my information and all the images and videos that I need. I can start make my own Prezi later on.
After all the students had shown their topic, Ms. Amreet started the workshop. First she asked us whether we have our own account for Prezi or not. Of course we have it because we have learnt it before. Then she said this will make everything easier. She does not have to show one step by one step to us to start using the Prezi. She gives a briefly talk on how to use Prezi. Before we end our class for that day, Ms. Amreet told us that we can start our Prezi if we already have enough information about our topics.
I chose blank Prezi because I want to make my own theme regarding on my topic, Halloween’s Eve. I decorated and designed my Prezi by my own. I applied whatever that I have learned before to this Prezi. I do my best to make it interesting. I chose the best point to be put in my slide. I connected all my text point and images with transitions so that my slides can be read and understandable. Not only that, to make it more interesting, I added some clip arts and bullet points so my point will be  more clear.
The reason why I chose Halloween as my topic is because I found it interesting. Why? It is because in Malaysia, Halloween is not celebrated grandly by all the people. Usually, Halloween is celebrated in many others Christian countries around the globe. Halloween takes place on 31st of October and it is one of the popular celebrations in the world.  

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