Saturday, July 5, 2014

Reflection - week 1

We have started our forth semester on 9th June 2014. For this semester we are taking six subjects and one of it is Writing for Multimedia & the Web. We have been lectured by Ms. Amreet Kaur a/p Jageer Singh. She is newly here in Sultan Idris Education University and of course, she is still young. Past, she was a lecturer at University Sains Malaysia (USM) and then she moved here. To be frank, she was a student of UPSI before and no doubt, she was an excellent student.
For the first class, Ms. Amreet introduced herself first and then she asked all of us introduced ourselves among the classmates. Then she proceeds with the next questions. She asked us, “What do you expect from this course?”
I said, “I hope that I can learn and understand more about this subject. Plus, hopefully I can improve my writing skills especially for this course, Writing for Multimedia & the Web”.
Later she told us about the instructional planner for this course. For the first, we need to do a Prezi presentation. This is an individual task and it carried 15% from our coursework. We need to start present this Prezi presentation on week 4. The topic for this presentation should be informative. Anything can be our topic as long as it is an interesting topic to be share and beneficial to others.
So the first thing that I have to do is finding the best and interesting topic as soon as possible because I need to get the approval from Ms. Amreet first. It is because if she thinks the topic that I chose not suitable or not interesting, she will asked us to find another topic to be chose.

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