Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Reflection - week 6

I did not attend the class this week because I was at my hometown. We have class a day before Nuzul Al-Quran holiday and that is why there were quite numbers of students who absence. The presentations went on because Ms. Amreet does not want wasted the time. She just proceed the presentation like usual. When I am back here, I asked Sue Chin what has going on in the class during my absence. She told me there are several students who presented their Prezi. They are Amira, Geetha Baskaran, Fatin Syamimi, Wardah, Insyirah and Aidawate. She briefly explained to me about the topic that they were presented.
            As informed, Amira was the first presenter and she gave the information about yawning. It is a fun topic to be shared and we also can know why we yawn. What I know is everybody does yawn. Suddenly, I feel like I want to yawn.
            Next is Geetha Baskaran. She was presented on colour psychology. Sue Chin told me that she gave a paper contained a few questions to analyse which colour are we. She gave it to everyone in the class and each colour has different personality. So this activity can help us to define our personality. I think it is interesting and if I could, I want to be in the class and do the test to find my personality through the colours.
            Then is Fatin Syamimi and what Su Chin has informed me, she has presented the topic on facts about French. Sue Chin said to me that she likes the image of Eiffel Tower that Fatin Syamimi had made it her background image. Wardah presented about clinical vampirism. Before that, what I know about this topic is it is kind of obsession with drinking blood and yes, it is true. It is an interesting topic but to some people it might be disgusting to them because it is involved blood. Some people afraid of blood and they even cannot see a blood. But for me, I am okay with it.

            Not only that, Sue Chin told me about Insyirah’s presentation. She presented on the topic myth around the world and Sue Chin found so impressed when she heard there is a people who cut his ears down. To be truth, I am impressed with that fact too. For the last presenter of that day, who presented on vegetables and the person is Aidawate. She talked about how vegetables can make and help us pretty. I love this topic because I am a vegetables lover. I love to eat vegetables and I know it has alot of advantages.  

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